
Taskforces, Teams, Committees, and Boards

Throughout the career at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), a lot of official assignments and tasks were conducted and well-delivered through the chairmanship and membership in teams, committees and councils.  The tasks that were completed included; developing new policies, restructuring, reengineering, reviewing reports, digital transformation of services, improving performance, quality assurance, among others.  There was full and effective participation in enriching the outcomes of these tasks.

Higher level Panels

  • Member, Higher Communication Panel, KFUPM
  • Member, University Board, KFUPM, since 2005
  • Chairman, Organizational Excellence Committee, KFUPM, 2018-2019
  • Director, Summer Semester Program, KFUPM, 2013-2014
  • Member of the University Vice Rectors Committee, 1438 AH-1441 AH
  • Member of the Supervisory Committee on the University’s Strategic Plan, 1434-1439 AH
  • Member, Steering Committee for the International Advisory Board, KFUPM, 2007-2019
  • Member of the Risk Management Committee, 1438-1441 AH
  • Member, Supervisory Committee of Digital Transformation at KFUPM, 2010-2021

Contributions in the Academic Sector

  • Chairman, Faculty Affairs Committee, KFUPM, 2016-2020
  • Member, Scholarships and Training Committee, 2013-2021
  • Member,  Taskforce for the Development of Faculty Evaluation Standards, 2018
  • Member, The Steering Committee for Accreditation and Evaluation, 2013-2016
  • Team Member, The University’s Institutional Accreditation, 2016
  • Member, Academic committee, 2002-2016
  • Chairman, The Steering Committee for the ABET Accreditation of Engineering Programs, 2016
  • Chairman, Admission and Academic standing Committee, 2005-2013
  • Chairman, Executive Committee for the Establishing the College of Petroleum & Geosciences, 2013
  • Team Member, Study on the University-Industry Cooperation & Partnership, 2007
  • Advisor, Counseling and Advising Center, KFUPM, 2003-2008

Contributions in the Research Sector

  • Member of the Executive Committee for Research and Development Initiatives, 2018
  • Team Member, Roadmap and Transformation into a Research University, 2018
  • Member, Committee on the Research Strategic Directions at the university, 2013-2017
  • Chairman, Executive Committee for Enhancing Research Productivity at KFUPM, 2013-2016
  • Chairman, Evaluation of Researchers Performance Committee, 2016-2020
  • Member, Supervisory Committee of the Research Collaboration with MIT, 2013-2016
  • Member, Supervisory Committee of the Research Collaboration with Georgia Tech, 2013-2016
  • Chairman, Committee for Establishing the Strategic Planning Center at the Research Institute, 2010

Contributions in the Administrative & Financial Sectors

  • Supervisor, Cost Accounting and Management Project at KFUPM, 2018
  • Chairman, Committee on Enhancing Efficiency & Sustainability at KFUPM, 2017-2018
  • Member, KFUPM’s Committee on Reviewing the New Regulations for Saudi Universities, 2017
  • Chairman, Steering Committee for Marketing the KFUPM’s Endowment, 2016
  • Chairman, Organizing Committee for Launching Phase II of KFUPM’s Endowment, 2016
  • Chairman, KFUPM Branding, Ranking, and Image Enhancement Committee, 2015-2020
  • Chairman, Steering Committee for Prince Sultan Center for Science & Technology (SCITECH)
  • Member, Performance Review Committee of the University Sectors, 2017-2020
  • Chairman, Social Solidarity Fund Committee, 2016-2021
  • Deputy Chairman of the Financial Planning Committee, 2018-2020
  • Chairman, Committee on Administrative and Financial Authorities, 2019
  • Chairman, Internal Audit Processes Development, 2016
  • Member of the Enterprise Resource Planning Project Committee, 2010
  • Chairman,  Steering Committee for Institutional Communications at KFUPM, 2013-2016
  • Member, KFUPM’s 50th Anniversary Committee, 2012-2013
  • Chairman, Annual Career Day, 2003-2008

Boards and Councils

  • Board Member, Center for Higher Education Strategic Studies, Ministry of Education, 2012-2015
  • Board of Trustees Member, Effat University, Saudi Arabia, (2010 – Now)
  • Secretary General, Dhahran Techno-Valley Company General Assembly, 2016-2020
  • Member, International Advisory Board for College of Engineering, KFUPM, 2016
  • Member, KFUPM-Saudi Aramco Collaboration Oversight Board, 2013-2016
  • Chairman of the Board, University Schools, 2012-2016

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